Where we work
We conduct our activities in 4 countries, where water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in primary health care facilities and schools are inadequate and large investments for infrastructure improvement are unlikely in the near future. These include conflict-affected areas, refugee and internally displaced population camps, informal settlements and remote rural areas with poor or failed institutional structures.
Follow the individual project pages below to find out more about the different contexts and project profiles. For a general overview of the hands4health project activities in the countries, check out the news section below.

Burkina Faso



News from our project countries
- Gravit’eau: Strengthening SkillsTerre des Hommes enhances the Capabilities of Gravit’eau Maintenance Teams As part of the hands4health project, a series of trainings was organized by the Terre des Hommes team in Burkina Faso to improve… Read more: Gravit’eau: Strengthening Skills
- Gravit’eau : Renforcement des CompétencesTerre des hommes renforce les capacités des équipes de maintenance des stations de lavage des mains Gravit’eau Dans le cadre du projet hands4health une série de formations a été organisée par l’équipe de… Read more: Gravit’eau : Renforcement des Compétences
- Emergency Environmental Health Forum 2024Showcasing the h4h systemic approach The Emergency Environmental Health Forum (EEHF) is an international research and learning event aimed at water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) implementers, researchers, donors and policymakers. The event provides… Read more: Emergency Environmental Health Forum 2024
- World Hand Hygiene Day 2024Sharing knowledge about hand hygiene saves lives! On May 5th, the world celebrates World Hand Hygiene Day (WHHD) under the annual campaign “SAVE LIVES – Clean your hands” of the World Health Organisation… Read more: World Hand Hygiene Day 2024