Skat Foundation


Skat Foundation is a legally independent Swiss non-profit organisation, with over 20 years of experience in international development cooperation.

With a strong thematic positioning in the water sector, Skat Foundation’s core competencies comprise fit-for-purpose technological choices, capacity strengthening & knowledge sharing, development & uptake of knowledge products, and networks.

Through collaborative partnerships and networks, Skat Foundation works in close cooperation with its partners and target groups. This allows for synergies, the free exchange of experiences and knowledge, as well as resource efficiency.

Relevant experiences

Hands-on experience in developing tools, materials and platforms for knowledge exchange. Experience as knowledge broker of two large research projects (UpGro and REACH). Development of the Technology Applicability Framework. Winner of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Tender on “Documentarist for capitalisation of experiences in dealing with complexity in research for development”.

Role in the hands4health project

Knowledge management through documenting and sharing information. Facilitation of the learning process. Training. Development of the online platform. Co-development of the scale-up and diffusion strategies. Key informant interviews.

Work package(s)

  • WP 5 – Holistic approach to implementation (lead: FHNW, co-lead: University of Maiduguri)
  • WP 6 – Impact evaluation (lead: Swiss TPH, co-lead: PPU)
  • WP 7 – Open-source data sharing platform and capacity development (lead: Skat Foundation, co-lead: FHNW)
  • WP 8 – Adoption at scale (lead: Tdh)

More info

More information about Skat Foundation’s expertise and work portfolio can be found directly on their website.