Tdh – Terre des hommes


Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Founded in 1960, Tdh is committed to bringing meaningful and lasting change to children and youth.

In 2020, Tdh provided assistance to 4.8 million children and members of their communities in 35 countries through its water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, protection and emergency relief programmes. Tdh is active in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

Relevant experiences

Terre des hommes has initiated or been involved in multiple innovation projects in the WASH & health sectors. Tdh, Gravit’eau and FHNW have been evaluating and scaling up the water-recycling handwashing systems, and developing assessment and monitoring techniques for WASH in institutions, including schools, health care facilities, and detention centres.

Role in the hands4health project

Coordination and evaluation of the innovations. Local market assessment. Setting up of the local supply chain and logistics. Data collection. User-centered design. Behaviour change implementation and evaluation. Co-development of the scale up and diffusion strategies. Capacity development. Stakeholder engagement. Tdh has the lead in Nigeria, Mali and Burkina Faso.

Work package(s)

  • WP 1 – Coordination and internal learning (lead: FHNW, co-lead: Tdh)
  • WP 3 – User-centered design approach (lead: Cesvi, co-lead Tdh)
  • WP 4 – Behaviour change strategy (lead: RANAS)
  • WP 5 – Holistic approach to implementation (lead: FHNW)
  • WP 6 – Impact evaluation (lead: Swiss TPH, co-lead: PPU)
  • WP 8 – Adoption at scale (lead: Tdh)

More info

More information about Tdh’s expertise and work portfolio can be found directly on their website.