Liasing with SDC headquarters and country offices

Close collaboration to move hands4health towards its goals

The hands4health project, which is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) and implemented in four different countries (Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Palestine), regularly liaises with the SDC office in Bern, as well as with the SDC country offices or Swiss Embassies. In the past few months, various country meetings took place both in person and online.

In Palestine, the Cesvi and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) teams met with the head of International Cooperation and his Deputy in the SDC office in Jerusalem last December.

In Nigeria and Burkina Faso, FHNW and Terre des hommes (Tdh) held two online meetings in February, involving SDC country staff. Additionally, SDC colleagues visited institutions targeted by the project last month and were impressed by the innovative Gravit’eau handwashing stations.

The meetings aimed at presenting the current status of the project and discussing the challenges and next steps. Participants also identified potential synergies with other ongoing programmes and projects of relevant stakeholders in the field. The discussions were important for defining actions to scale up the project’s results and reach a broader audience. Finally, the meetings also addressed the security challenges and mitigation measures in each country.

Overall, these meetings are crucial to ensure close collaboration and communication between the hands4health project team and SDC, and in moving the project forward towards achieving its goals.